
lv wallets Test simulated gram formats

98. Test simulated gram formats.
99. Develope a distinctive personality for your business.
100. Make a major anniversaries a plus factor in your promotion..
101. Have your reply envelope emphasize your prompt shipping
102. Present outstanding testimonials in a big way for big
103. Never stop selling the advantages of direct marketing to
your customer.
104. Consider using special formats to make ordering easier.
105. Test different length trial periods.
106. Promote seasonal products in off-season times - and offer
107. Ask customers their opinion of a proposed new product.
108. Test the plastic record message in your mail formats.
109. Us e the negative to accentuate the positive.
110. Use simulated handwriting in your messages. And just like
every good direct mail package should offer something : a little
extra" to the prospect here is one more a total of 111 ideas - to
add to the list.
111. Use the telephone aggressively - both outgoing and incoming
- to stimulate business, customer activity and salesmen's

