
cheap lv handbags sale Red Eye

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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sb100\sa100\ul\f0\fs24 Red Eye and Your Digital Camera\par
\ulnone You\rquote ve seen the dreaded demon-eye effect that occurs when the camera flash bounces off the eye of a person or pet. An otherwise wonderful picture can be ruined by this. Technically, this is called red-eye and is caused when the pupil of your subject\rquote s eye is wide open and the light from the camera\rquote s flash reflects off the subjects retina. In people, the color ends up red; in pets, the color is often green. \par
Many photo editing programs include a red-eye correction filter, but this may not allow your photograph subject to appear \ldblquote normal. These filters also do not work on the green effect produced in a pet\rquote s eyes. Photo stores sell pens that are used to clear up red-eye, but again they are not always natural-looking and do not work on the green. The best thing is to prevent the demon-eye effect from the start.\par
It is rare to find a digital camera that does not come with a red-eye reduction feature. This feature can be turned off or on. It is best left on in all circumstances other than direct sunlight. The red-eye reduction feature works by flashing a short burst of light at your subject before you snap the picture. This burst of light causes the subject\rquote s pupil to close and makes it less likely for the camera\rquote s flash to reflect off the retina. This in turn reduces the chance of red-eye.\par
It also helps to direct the flash of your camera so it does not directly hit your subject\rquote s eyes. Bouncing the flash off a nearby wall or other object will soften its effect and reduce the chances of this unwanted malady. Between bouncing the flash and using your digital camera\rquote s red-eye reduction feature, your little angel, whether human or animal, will have eyes that don\rquote t glow.\par

