
“You are mistaken

“You are mistaken, Ubertino,” William answered very seriously. “You know that among my masters I venerate Roger Bacon more than any other. …”
“Who raved of flying machines,” Ubertino muttered bitterly.
“Who spoke clearly and calmly of the Antichrist, and was aware of the import of the corruption of the world and the decline of learning. He taught, however, that there is only one way to prepare against his coming: study the secrets of nature, use knowledge to better the human race. We can prepare to fight the Antichrist by studying the curative properties of herbs, the nature of stones, and even by planning those flying machines that make you smile.”
“Your Bacon’s Antichrist was a pretext for cultivating intellectual pride.”
“A holy pretext.”
“Nothing pretextual is holy. William, you know I love you. You know I have great faith in you. Mortify your intelligence, learn to weep over the wounds of the Lord, throw away your books,shox torch 2.”
“I will devote myself only to yours.” William smiled.
Ubertino also smiled and waved a threatening finger at him. “Foolish Englishman. Do not laugh too much at your fellows. Those whom you cannot love you should, rather, fear. And be on your guard here at the abbey. I do not like this place.”
“I want to know it better, in fact,” William said, taking his leave. “Come, Adso.”
“I tell you it is not good, and you reply that you want to know it better,Discount UGG Boots. Ah!” Ubertino said, shaking his head.
“By the way,” William said, already halfway down the nave, “who is that monk who looks like an animal and speaks the language of Babel?”
“Salvatore?” Ubertino, who had already knelt down, turned. “I believe he was a gift of mine to this abbey ... along with the cellarer. When I put aside the Franciscan habit I returned for a while to my old convent at Casale, and there I found other monks in difficulty, because the community accused them of being Spirituals of my sect ... as they put it. I exerted myself in their favor, procuring permission for them to follow my example. And two, Salvatore and Remigio, I found here when I arrived last year. Salvatore ... he does indeed look like an animal. But he is obliging.”
William hesitated a moment. “I heard him say Penitenziagite.”
Ubertino was silent,fake uggs for sale. He waved one hand, as if to drive off a bothersome thought. “No, I don’t believe so. You know how these lay brothers are. Country people, who have perhaps heard some wandering preacher and don’t know what they are saying. I would have other reproaches to make to Salvatore: he is a greedy animal and lustful. But nothing, nothing against orthodoxy. No, the sickness of the abbey is something else: seek it among those who know too much, not in those who know nothing. Don’t build a castle of suspicions on one word.”
“I would never do that,” William answered. “I gave up being an inquisitor precisely to avoid doing that. But I like also to listen to words,Moncler Outlet, and then I think about them.”
“You think too much. Boy,” he said, addressing me, “don’t learn too many bad examples from your master. The only thing that must be pondered—and I real?ize this at the end of my life—is death. Mors est quies viatoris—finis est omnis laboris. Let me pray now.”

